In the country.

Elder Jones did the "Outlaw Challenge" recently. If you eat this gigantic burger (and the fries) you get your name on the wall. And a t-shirt? He was up to the challenge.

A close-up of the Outlaw Burger.


District meeting picture. left to right, top: E. Hall, Setterberg, Barnett, Jensen. Bottom: Yours Truly, E. Skeen.

Elder Hall and me. My second-born in the wilderness of my mission. (i.e., Justin's second "greenie" companion)

One-year mark festivities (taken on 9/7/06 - "hump day").


Paul & Tara (recent converts). They are doing well.

Me in my sweet cowboy suit I got from the thrift store.

Some members gave us some Double-Stuff Oreos and we decided to have some fun with them.

Picture of the font. This was on October 8th when we were filling the font for Trisha's baptism.

Us and Trisha, the newest member of the Jasper Branch.

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