My first picture with my first son (his first junior companion - Elder Sosa - fresh from the MTC)

A picture of Clem. She's not a member but she's loaded. She knows all the missionaries. This is just a picture she gives each one.

The Vaz lineage three generation picture. Jones, Vaz, Sosa, Southworth.

A roadkill cat in the third ward. If you look really close you can see its eye popped out. We see roadkill often and no one ever cleans it up. they just let it rot and get run over again and again and again until it just becomes a black smudge on the pavement.

Oh yeah, Bluebell (awesome ice cream brand in Texas).

Chorizo (this is a dish that Elder Sosa introduced to Elder Jones)

The sign over the bathroom door in our apartment.

The voodoo ghetto action figure (made by Lance)

Temple zone conference. The Houston West zone.

Me with Lance's bling (he sent this buckle to Lance for his birthday)

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